Stewart Fraser

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Hi, I'm Stewart Fraser. This is my portfolio site, where I showcase the projects I developed during an intensive three-month Just IT software development bootcamp.

Alongside coding, I am also passionate about chess, astronomy and football.

The Just IT bootcamp focused on five popular technologies: JavaScript, Python, SQL, CSS and HTML.

I have extensive work experience in sectors such as academia, oil and gas, broadcast technology and finance.

I have used numerous programming languages throughout my career, but mostly C and Perl.

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Python, Flask, HTML and CSS were used to build this portfolio site.

python image flask image html image css image

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This site and all projects are fully responsive and built with a mobile-first design.

Recent course certificates awarded for:

  • Python "Data Analysis with Python" (freeCodeCamp)
  • JavaScript "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures" (freeCodeCamp)
  • C# "Foundational C# with Microsoft" (Microsoft & freeCodeCamp)
  • Go "The Complete Developer's Guide" (Udemy)
  • APIs "Backend Development and APIs" (freeCodeCamp)
  • Software Development "In-person Bootcamp" (Just IT)
  • SQL "The Complete SQL Bootcamp" (Udemy)
  • Python "The Complete Python Bootcamp" (Udemy)

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